Conclusion and Recommendations

     The novel coronavirus spread so rapidly that it has changed the rhythm of the globe. Whether from the perspective of a single country or multilateral levels, the solidity of international relations has been put under test. The most obvious consequences include economic recession, a crisis of global governance, trade protectionism and increasing isolationist sentiment. People-to-people, cultural and travel exchanges have all been restricted. Nonetheless, this is just a tip of the iceberg.

     After we overcome the pandemic, which will surely happen, we must carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the world's ability to maintain stability when faced with similar challenges in the future. We must also craft measures to cope with these challenges together. But perhaps at the current phase, we can already draw some conclusions.

     A pandemic is not new in human history. But what makes the COVID-19 pandemic special is that it takes place in an unprecedented backdrop when the interconnectivity and interdependence between people, between countries and between continents are so deep. The achievements people have made in technology, intelligence and transportation make them both physically and psychologically globalized. (Times)

     While many lessons will be learnt from the current crisis, there is an opportunity to harness the pandemic as a catalyst for a deeper, long-term transformation of healthcare systems. This opportunity should not be missed. Healthcare systems need to become considerably more intelligent, responsive and resilient. Decision makers across governments and businesses need to act to remake the healthcare systems at speed and scale for a modern age. Citizen privacy and trust will be crucial here –acting in a way that shapes and reflects evolving community attitudes to deal with new threats and opportunities. What’s built must endure both present and future shocks. This will ultimately dictate our ability to save and improve lives now, and in the future. 
It's time for nations to combat COVID-19 together - World ...
     Lastly, we recommend that people around the world will always go along with the command and order that our government implements so that we can prevent any unwanted occasion to break out once again so that we can always live a happy life in this world forever and a day.


Total COVID-19 in Countries